When the summer days and excitement turn into “what day is it again?” TuLotero’s got you covered. It’s easy to forget about the Powerball draw when you’re enjoying the summer heat. But fear not! With the TuLotero app, you can subscribe to your favorite lottery draws and never miss out on a chance to hit the jackpot, even while enjoying your summer activities. Here’s how!

Step-by-Step Tutorial on How to Subscribe to Your Favorite Lottery Draws:

  1. Download the TuLotero App: Head to the App Store or web browser and download the TuLotero app onto your smartphone or tablet. It’s free and easy to install. 
  2. Create Your Account: Open the app and create your TuLotero account. Simply follow the prompts to sign up with your email address. From there, you will need to verify your identity so we can assure you are older than 18. 
  3. Explore Available Draws: Once logged in, browse through the available lottery draws and select your favorites. TuLotero offers a wide variety of draws, including Powerball, Mega Millions, Cash 5, and more.
  4. Select The Game and Pick Your Numbers: Pick those lucky numbers of yours! 
  5. Click “Subscribe to this play”: Toggle the button to turn on the subscription feature. 
How to Subscribe to Your Favorite Lottery Draws on the TuLotero App

What Does it Mean to Subscribe to a Play?

That’s all! When you subscribe to a draw, a ticket with the same conditions as the selected play will automatically be generated for the next draw. If you choose your own numbers, the same numbers will be used for each future drawing under subscription plays. If you choose the quick pick option, a different combination will be generated for each draw. 

You may unsubscribe from autoplay at any time by clicking on the heart icon that is on the ticket. 

Why Subscription is Great for Summer:

  • Convenience: Subscription allows you to play the lottery effortlessly, even while you’re busy enjoying summer activities like beach days, barbecues, and road trips.
  • Peace of Mind: You can relax and enjoy your summer knowing that TuLotero has got your back, ensuring you never miss out on a chance to win big.
  • Flexibility: With subscription options to fit your schedule and budget, you can customize your lottery play to suit your summer plans.

TuLotero Contact

If you have any questions about how to set up the autoplay subscription, feel free to reach out to the customer service team at TuLotero. Email TuLotero at contact@tulotero.com or give them a call at (833) 856-8376. Good luck!


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